Browsing by Keyword 24months
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
21-Apr-2014 | Asymptotic flatness and quantum geometry | Sengupta, Sandipan | Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2014, Vol.31, p085005 |
20-Apr-2014 | Gravitational waves from known pulsars: results from the initial detector era | Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B.P.; Abbott, R.; Iyer, B.R.; LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; +250 Co authors | Astrophysical Journal, 2014, Vol.785, p 119 |
10-Sep-2014 | Inter-relationship between the two emission cones of B1237+25 | Maan, Yogesh; Deshpande, A.A. | Astrophysical Journal, 2014, Vol.792, p 130 |
20-Aug-2014 | The low-frequency characteristics of PSR J0437–4715 observed with the Murchison wide-field array | Bhat, N.D.R.; Ord, S.M.; Tremblay, S.E.; Deshpande, A.A.; Prabu, T.; Udaya Shankar, N.; Srivani, K.S.; Subrahmanyan, Ravi; +25 Co-authors | Astrophysical Journal Letters, 791, L32, 2014 |