Browsing by Keyword C V Raman

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
27-Oct-1959Citation- Convocation for conferring the Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) to Sir C.V. RamanVice Cahncellor-
7-Feb-2020A curious mind illuminatedPoovaiah, Dhanyata M.Deccan Herald, 7 february 2020
Jun-2018An Evening with Raman at the GymkhanaConnect StaffConnect, 2018, p 34-36
Jun-2018How Archives in Bangalore Tell Stories about ScienceKulkarni, RenukaConnect, 2018, p 45-48
12-Apr-2018Janatha Bazaar: Where C V Raman met a PonziNatarajan, KiranBangalore Mirror, 12 April 2018, p4
Mar-2020Sir C. V. Raman Nobel Ceremony Coverage by the European PressSingh, RajinderIndian Journal of History of Science, 2020 Vol. 55, p72