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Showing results 1 to 20 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
5-Jan-1940Abuse of knowledge and learning: Prof. Sahni on limitations of science - Mayor's party to science congress delegates-The Indian Express, 1940
16-Mar-1953Aid to study of basic problemsBhagavantam, S.The Hindu, 1953
1948America To-day : C V Raman's Impressions--
1935Annual meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences--
28-Feb-2016Anudinavu vijnana dinavagaliHaldodderi, SudhindraVijaya Kartnataka, 28th February 2016, p 9
27-Dec-1948Bangalore Science Institute : Farewell address to Sir C V Raman-The Hindu, 1948
Aug-1988Chandrasekhara Venkata RamanJayaraman, Aiyasami; Ramdas, Ananth KrishnaPhysics Today, August 1988, p57
1935Delegates to the Mysore Engineers' Conference--
28-Apr-1948The Doyen of Scientists : Sir S Cripps's tribute to Dr. Raman-The Indian Express, 1948
8-May-1948Fascinating story of the Diamond-The Indian Express, 1948
1935The first annual meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences--
5-Jan-1949Honorary members of Indian Chemical Society-The Leader, 5th January 1949
15-Aug-1948India freedom day : celebration in U S--
20-Dec-1938Indian Academy of Sciences Meets--
20-Dec-1938Indian Academy of Sciences, Fourth Annual Session--
3-Mar-1940Indian Institute of Science: Founder's day celebration--
5-Jan-1948Indian Science congress : Mr Daulatram's address--
25-Feb-1938Indian Science Institute: the question of directorship - debate in central assembly--
11-Mar-2005Lasting effectVenkateswaran, T.V.Frontline, 2005, Vol. 22, p1-7