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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
9-Aug-2010From solar noise to cosmic noise to radio Astronomy: Australian contribution to opening a new window to the universeGoss, MillerRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
9-Aug-2009Hamilton’s diabolical singularityBerry, MichaelRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
9-Aug-2010Impossible symmetry: the paradigm shift to quasi-crystalsRaghunathan, SrinivasaRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010.
10-Aug-2010The Invention of SIS and HEB receivers and enabling of Herschel/HIFI and ALMAPhilips, ThomasRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
9-Aug-2009Nature & Nurture: both are needed for great discoveries in science-also an ambience-some exampleMenon, M.G.K.Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
9-Aug-2009Of stars and singularitiesSrinivasan, G.Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
9-Aug-2009Shifting paradigms in polymer crystallizationMuthukumar, MurugappanRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
10-Aug-2010What would it take for India to become leader in wireless technology?Jhunjhunwala, AshokRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010
9-Aug-2009Zero-length springs, 4-bar linkages and fat gravitonsCowsik, RamanathRadicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010