Browsing by Keyword Radhakrishnan
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
9-Aug-2010 | From solar noise to cosmic noise to radio Astronomy: Australian contribution to opening a new window to the universe | Goss, Miller | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
9-Aug-2009 | Hamilton’s diabolical singularity | Berry, Michael | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
9-Aug-2010 | Impossible symmetry: the paradigm shift to quasi-crystals | Raghunathan, Srinivasa | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010. |
10-Aug-2010 | The Invention of SIS and HEB receivers and enabling of Herschel/HIFI and ALMA | Philips, Thomas | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
9-Aug-2009 | Nature & Nurture: both are needed for great discoveries in science-also an ambience-some example | Menon, M.G.K. | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
9-Aug-2009 | Of stars and singularities | Srinivasan, G. | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
9-Aug-2009 | Shifting paradigms in polymer crystallization | Muthukumar, Murugappan | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
10-Aug-2010 | What would it take for India to become leader in wireless technology? | Jhunjhunwala, Ashok | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |
9-Aug-2009 | Zero-length springs, 4-bar linkages and fat gravitons | Cowsik, Ramanath | Radicals in Science: Nature or Nurture?, 9th Aug. 2010 |