Browsing by Keyword X-ray astronomy

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
2004Division XI, Commission 44: Space and high energy astrophysicsSrinivasan, G.Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, 2003, Vol.25A, p363-369: Reports on astronomy 1999-2002. Ed. H. Rickman, Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
Mar-2003Image reconstruction for a continuously rotating coded mask cameraRavi Shankar, B.T.; Bhattacharya, D.Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 2003, Vol.31, p491-492
9-Mar-2006Imaging with the ASTROSAT scanning sky monitorBhattacharya, D.Advances in Space Research, 2006, Vol.38, p2999-3001.
2002Imaging with the scanning sky monitor on ASTROSATBhattacharya, D.; Ravi Shankar, B.T.Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 2002, Vol.30, p833-834