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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
15-Dec-2015Angular momentum distribution during the collapse of primordial star-forming cloudsDutta, JayantaAstrophysics and Space Science, 2016, Vol. 361, Article No. 35
10-May-2014H I absorption from the epoch of reionization and primordial magnetic fieldsVasiliev, Evgenii O.; Sethi, S.K.Astrophysical Journal, 2014, Vol.786, p142
Sep-2015On the detection of spectral ripples from the recombination epochSathyanarayana Rao, Mayuri; Subrahmanyan, Ravi; Udaya Shankar, N.; Chluba, JensAstrophysical Journal, 2015, Vol. 810, p3
Dec-2019Probing primordial 3He from hyperfine line afterglows around supercritical black holesVasiliev, Evgenii O.; Sethi, S.K.; Shchekinov, YuriMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, Vol.490, p5057–5062
1-Jul-2023STARFIRE: An algorithm for estimating radio frequency interference in orbits around EarthGhosh, S.; Rao, M. Sathyanarayana; Singh, SAstronomy and Computing, 2023, Vol. 44, Article No. 100727
21-Apr-2022System design and calibration of SITARA—a global 21 cm short spacing interferometer prototypeJishnu, N.; McKinley, Benjamin; Trott, Cathryn M.; Jones, Jake; Ung, Daniel C. X.Publications of the Astronomical Societyof Australia, 2022, Vol.39, Articel Number : e018