Browsing by Author Amiri, Mandana

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
12-Apr-2023Detection of Cosmological 21 cm Emission with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping ExperimentThe CHIME Collaboration; Amiri, Mandana; Bandura, Kevin; Chen, Tianyue; Deng, Meiling; Dobbs, Matt; Fandino, Mateus; Foreman, Simon; Halpern, Mark; Hill, Alex S.; Hinshaw, Gary; Hofer, Carolin; Kania, Joseph; Landecker, T. L.; MacEachern, Joshua; Masui, Kiyoshi; Mena-Parra, Juan; Milutinovic, Nikola; Mirhosseini, Arash; Newburgh, Laura; Ordog, Anna; Pen, Ue-Li; Pinsonneault-Marotte, Tristan; Polzin, Ava; Reda, Alex; Renard, Andre; Shaw, J. Richard; Siegel, Seth R.; Singh, Saurabh; Vanderlinde, Keith; Wang, Haochen; Wiebe, Donald V.; Wulf, DallasThe Astrophysical Journal, 2023, Vol. 947. p16
20-Nov-2024Holographic Beam Measurements of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)Amiri, Mandana; Chakraborty, Arnab; Foreman, Simon; Halpern, Mark; Hill5, Alex S.; Hinshaw, Gary; Landecker, T. L.; MacEachern, Joshua; Masui, Kiyoshi W.; Mena-Parra, Juan; Milutinovic, Nikola; Newburgh, Laura; Ordog, Anna; Pen, Ue-Li; Pinsonneault-Marotte, Tristan; Reda, Alex; Siegel, Seth R.; Singh, Saurabh; Wang, Haochen; Wulf, Dallas; The CHIME CollaborationThe Astrophysical Journal, 2024, Vol. 976, p163
1-Aug-2022An Overview of CHIME, the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping ExperimentThe CHIME Collaboration; Amiri, Mandana; Bandura, Kevin; Boskovic, Anja; Chen, Tianyue; Cliche, Jean-François; Deng, Meiling; Denman, Nolan; Dobbs, Matt; Fandino, Mateus; Foreman, Simon; Halpern, Mark; Hanna, David; Hill, Alex S.; Hinshaw, Gary; Höfer, Carolin; Kania, Joseph; Klages, Peter; Landecker, T. L.; MacEachern, Joshua; Masui, Kiyoshi; Mena-Parra, Juan; Milutinovic, Nikola; Mirhosseini, Arash; Newburgh, Laura; Nitsche, Rick; Ordog, Anna; Pen, Ue-Li; Pinsonneault-Marotte, Tristan; Polzin, Ava; Reda, Alex; Renard, Andre; Shaw, J. Richard; Siege, Seth R.; Singh, Saurabh; Smega, Rick; Tretyakov, Ian; Gassen, Kwinten Van; Vanderlinde, Keith; Wang, Haochen; Wiebe, Donald V.; Willis, James S.; Wulf, DallasThe Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series,2022, Vol, 261, p29
20-Jun-2022Using the Sun to Measure the Primary Beam Response of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping ExperimentThe CHIME Collaboration; Amiri, Mandana; Bandura, Kevin; Boskovic, Anja; Cliche, Jean-François; Deng, Meiling; Dobbs, Matt; Fandino, Mateus; Foreman, Simon; Halpern, Mark; Hill, Alex S.; Hinshaw, Gary; Hofer, Carolin; Kania, Joseph; Landecker, T.L.; MacEachern, Joshua; Masui, Kiyoshi; Mena-Parra, Juan; Newburgh, Laura; Ordog, Anna; Pinsonneault-Marotte, Tristan; Polzin, Ava; Reda, Alex; Shaw, J. Richard; Siege, Seth R.; Singh, Saurabh; Vanderlinde, Keith; Wang, Haochen; Willis, James S.; Wulf, DallasThe Astrophysical Journal, 2022, Vol.932, p100