Browsing by Author Angchuk, Dorje
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Jun-2004 | Measurement of 220 GHz atmospheric transparency at IAO, Hanle, during 2000-2003 | Ananthasubramanian, P.G.; Yamamoto, Satoshi; Prabhu, T.P.; Angchuk, Dorje | Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 2004, Vol.32, p99-111 |
2004 | Potential Sites in Changthang Ladakh for Submillimeter Astronomy | Prabu, T.; Yamamoto, Satoshi; Ananthasubramanian, P.G.; Sridharan, T.K.; Blundell, Raymond; Angchuk, Dorje | International Conference on submillimeter science and technology, 2004, p13 |