Browsing by Author Deguchi, Shuji
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Jun-1997 | Evidence for a dense, cold screen towards IRAS 18507+0121 | Balasubramanyam, R.; Bronfman, L.; Deguchi, Shuji | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 1997, Vol.49, p307-314 |
Sep-2009 | Nature of meterwave luminous objects and search for electron-cyclotron maser emission | Deguchi, Shuji; Koike, Kazutaka; Balasubramanyam, R. | ASP Conference Series, 2009, Vol.407, p260 |
Apr-2001 | SiO maser survey of southern IRAS sources | Deguchi, Shuji; Nakashima, Jun-Ichi; Balasubramanyam, R. | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2001, Vol.53, p305- |
Feb-1999 | SiO masers in stars in the inner and outer galactic disk | Jiang, B.W.; Deguchi, Shuji; Balasubramanyam, R. | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 1999, Vol.51, p95-102 |