Browsing by Author Kavitha, M.K.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
7-Dec-2014 | Defect engineering in ZnO nanocones for visible photoconductivity and nonlinear absorption. | Kavitha, M.K.; Jinesh, K.B.; Philip, Reji; Gopinath, Pramod; John, Honey | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2014, Vol. 16, p25093 |
Jun-2013 | Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide–ZnO hybrid with enhanced optical limiting properties | Kavitha, M.K.; John, Honey; Gopinath, Pramod; Philip, Reji | Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, Vol.1, p3669 |