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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
1927 | The diffraction of light by metallic screens | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1927, Vol.116, p254-267 |
1927 | Electric double refraction in relation to polarity and optical anisotropy of molecules - Part I: Gases and vapours | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p713-723 |
1927 | Electric double refraction in relation to polarity and optical anisotropy of molecules - Part II : Liquids | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p724-735 |
1926 | The electrical polarity of molecules | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1926, Vol.118, p302 |
1927 | La constant de birefringence magnetique du benzene | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | C. R. Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1927, Vol.184, p449-451 |
1927 | The magnetic anisotropy of crystalline nitrates and, carbonates | Krishnan, K.S.; Raman, C.V. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.115, p549-554 |
1927 | Magnetic double refraction in liquids, Part I: Benzene and its derivatives | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.113, p511-519 |
1927 | The Maxwell effect in liquids | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1927, Vol.120, p726-727 |
1928 | Molecular spectra in the extreme infra-red | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p278 |
1928 | The negative absorption of radiation | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p12-13 |
1928 | A new class of spectra due to secondary radiation. Part I. | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, Vol.2, p399-419 |
1928 | A new type of secondary radiation | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p501-502 |
1925 | On the diffraction of light by spherical obstacles | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1925, Vol.38, p350-353 |
1928 | The optical analogue of the Compton effect | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p711 |
1928 | Polarization of scattered light quanta | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p169 |
1929 | The production of new radiations by light-scattering. Part I. | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1929, Vol.122, p23-35 |
1928 | Rotation of molecules induced by light | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p882 |
1927 | A theory of electric and magnetic birefringence in liquids | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.117, p1-11 |
1929 | A theory of light-scattering in liquids | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Philosophical Magazine, 1929, Vol.55, p498-512 |
1928 | A theory of the birefringence induced by flow in liquids | Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S. | Philosophical Magazine, 1928, Vol.55, p769-783 |