Browsing by Author Kumar, Ajay
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Oct-2020 | Effect of the band gap and the defect states present within band gap on the non-linear optical absorption behaviour of yttrium aluminium iron garnets | Kumar, Ajay; Kumar, Rajeev; Verma, Nancy; Philip, Reji; +3 Co-Authors | Optical Materials, 2020, Vol.108, p 110163 |
Dec-2020 | FeCoCr alloy-nanoparticle embedded bamboo-type carbon nanotubes for non-linear optical limiting application | Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Ajay; Verma, Nancy; Philip, Reji; Sahoo, Balaram | Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, Vol.849, p156665 |
Dec-2020 | Mechanistic insights into the optical limiting performance of carbonaceous nanomaterials embedded with core–shell type graphite encapsulated Co nanoparticles | Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Ajay; Verma, Nancy; Philip, Reji; Sahoo, Balaram | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2020, Vol. 22, p27224 |
Nov-2019 | Modulating non-linear optical absorption through controlled graphitization of carbon nanostructures containing Fe3C-graphite core-shell nanoparticles | Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Ajay; Verma, Nancy; Philip, Reji; +2 Co-Authors | Carbon, 2019, Vol.153, p545-556 |
Sep-2020 | Ni Nanoparticles Coated with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Optical Limiting Applications | Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Ajay; Verma, Nancy; Philip, Reji; +2 Co-Authors | ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, Vol.3, p8618–8631 |