Browsing by Author Kundu, Anupam

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
5-Nov-2019Anomalous Heat Transport in One Dimensional Systems: A Description Using Non-local Fractional-Type Diffusion EquationDhar, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Kundu, AritraFrontiers in Physics, 2019, Vol.7, p25
16-Mar-2011Application of importance sampling to the computation of large deviations in nonequilibrium processes.Kundu, Anupam; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Dhar, AbhishekPhysical Review E, 2011, Vol.83, p031119
Aug-2017Exact extremal statistics in the classical 1D coulomb gas.Dhar, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Majumdar, Satya N.; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Schehr, GregoryPhysical Review Letters, 2017, Vol. 119, p 060601
12-Jun-2018Extreme statistics and index distribution in the classical 1d Coulomb gasDhar, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Majumdar, Satya N.; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Schehr, GrégoryJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2018, Vol.51, p295001
2-Nov-2023Filling an empty lattice by local injection of quantum particlesTrivedi, Akash; Gupta, Sparsh; Agarwalla, Bijay Kumar; Dhar, Abhishek; Kulkarni, Manas; Kundu, Anupam; Sabhapandit, SanjibPhysical Rev iew E, 2023, Vol. 108, p05224
Mar-2009The Green-Kubo formula for heat conduction in open systemsKundu, Anupam; Dhar, Abhishek; Narayan, OnuttomJournal of Statistical Mechanics, 2009, L03001
4-Oct-2024Harmonically trapped inertial run-and-tumble particle in one dimensionDutta, Debraj; Kundu, Anupam; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Basu, UrnaPhysical Review E, 2024, Vol. 110, p044107
May-2010Heat conduction and phonon localization in disordered harmonic crystalsKundu, Anupam; Chaudhuri, A.; Roy, Dibyendu; Dhar, Abhishek; Lebowitz, J.L.; Spohn, HerbertEurophysics Letters, 2010, Vol. 90, p40001
24-Feb-2010Heat transport and phonon localization in mass-disordered harmonic crystalsChaudhuri, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Roy, Dibyendu; Dhar, Abhishek; Lebowitz, J.L.; Spohn, HerbertPhysical Review B, 2010, Vol.81, p064301
Mar-2011Large deviations of heat flow in harmonic chainsKundu, Anupam; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Dhar, AbhishekJournal of Mathematical Physics, 2011, p03007
3-Jan-2011Linear-response formula for finite-frequency thermal conductance of open systemsDhar, Abhishek; Narayan, Onuttom; Kundu, Anupam; Saito, KeijiPhysical Review E, 2010, Vol.83, p011101
31-Jul-2019Non-equilibrium dynamics of the piston in the Szilard engineBhat, Deepak; Dhar, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Sabhapandit, SanjibEurophysics Letters, 2019, Vol.127, p10004
2010Problems in transport theoryDhar, Abhishek; Kundu, AnupamPh.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2010
Aug-2020Run-and-tumble particle in inhomogeneous media in one dimensionSingh, Prashant; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Kundu, AnupamJournal of Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment, 2020, Article No.083207
2019Run-and-tumble particle in one-dimensional confining potentials: Steady-state, relaxation, and first-passage propertiesDhar, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Majumdar, Satya N; Schehr, GrégoryPhysical Review E, 2018, Vol.99, p032132
Apr-2018Steady state, relaxation and first-passage properties of a run-and-tumble particle in one-dimensionMalakar, Kanaya; Jemseena, V; Kundu, Anupam; Kumar, Vijay K; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Majumdar, Satya N.; Redner, S.; Dhar, AbhishekJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018, p043215
Sep-2019Symmetric exclusion process under stochastic resettingBasu, Urna; Kundu, Anupam; Pal, ArnabPhysical Review E, 2019, Vol.100, p032136
23-Sep-2010Time autocorrelation function and Green-Kubo formula: Study on a disordered harmonic chainKundu, AnupamPhysical Review E, 2010, Vol.82, p031131
29-Nov-2017Unusual equilibration of a particle in a potential with a thermal wallBhat, Deepak; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Kundu, Anupam; Dhar, AbhishekJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017, P113210