Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Feb-2017 | AstroSat/LAXPC Observation of Cygnus X-1 in the Hard State. | Misra, Ranjeev; Yadav, J.S.; Paul, Biswajit; +10 Co-authors | Astrophysical Journal, 2017, Vol. 835, p 195 |
10-Dec-2016 | Astrosat/laxpc reveals the high-energy variability of GRS 1915+105 in the χ class | Yadav, J.S.; Misra, Ranjeev; Paul, Biswajit; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; +9 Co-authors | Astrophysical Journal, 2016, Vol. 833, p 27 |
20-Jun-2018 | Effects of Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts on Non-burst Emissions in the Soft State of 4U 1728–34 | Bhattacharyya, Sudip; Yadav, J.S.; Sridhar, Navin; Chauhan, Jai Verdhan; Agrawal, P.C.; Antia, H M; Pahari, Mayukh; Misra, Ranjeev; Katoch, Tilak; Manchanda, R.K.; Paul, Biswajit | Astrophysical Journal, 2018, Vol. 860, p88 |
21-Oct-2012 | Energy dependant orbital modulation of X-rays and constraints on emission of the jet in Cyg X-3 | Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; Maitra, Chandreyee; Frankowski, Adam; Skinner, Gerald K.; Misra, Ranjeev | Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, Vol. 426, p1031 |
Aug-2017 | Large area x-ray proportional counter instrument on astrosat. | Yadav, J.S.; Agrawal, P.C.; Antia, H.M.; Manchanda, R.K.; Paul, Biswajit; Misra, Ranjeev | Current Science, 2017, Vol.113, p591 |