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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Oct-1997Accretion of gaseous disks at high redshifts and the depolarization asymmetry of radio-loud quasarsGopalakrishna, M.R.; Nath, Biman B.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997, Vol.326, p45
Dec-2011Active galactic nuclei feedback and clustersNath, Biman B.Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2011, Vol.32, p545
20-Oct-2013Active galactic nucleus feedback and entropy injection in galaxy cluster coresChaudhuri, Anya; Majumdar, Subhabrata; Nath, Biman B.Astrophysical Journal, 2013, Vol. 776, p84
Dec-2017Active galactic nucleus feedback with the square kilometre array and implications for cluster physics and cosmology.Iqbal, Asif; Kale, Ruta; Nath, Biman B.; +5 Co-authorsJournal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2017, Vol.38, p68
Nov-2005AGN heating, thermal conduction, and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in galaxy groups and clustersRoychowdhury, Suparna; Ruszkowski, M.; Nath, Biman B.Astrophysical Journal, 2005, Vol.634 p90-100
Mar-2006AryabhataNath, Biman B.Resonance, 2006, Vol. 11, p.2
2013Average spectral properties of galactic X-ray binaries with 3 years of MAXI dataIslam, Nazma; Mihara, T.; Sugizaki, M.; Paul, Biswajit; Nath, Biman B.ASI Conference Series, 2013, Vol. 8, Edited by Santabrata Das, Anuj Nandi and I. Chattopadhyay Page 109-113
5-Sep-2005A bar in milky wayNath, Biman B.The Telegraph 5th Sept, 2005
Oct-2009The biggest explosion in the universeNath, Biman B.Resonance, 2009, Vol.14, p985
May-1998Black hole energy release to the Gaseous UniverseEnsslin, T.A.; Wang, Yiping; Nath, Biman B.; Biermann, P.L.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998, Vol.333, pL47-L50
10-May-2013Book review of Beyond the Stars. Our Origins and the Search for Life in the Universe. Paolo SaracenoNath, Biman B.Current Science, 2013, Vol. 104, p1231
10-Nov-2002Book Review: An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology by D. J. Raine and E. G. ThomasNath, Biman B.Current Science, 2002, Vol.83, No.9, p. 1151
10-Nov-2019Book Review: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2018. Edited By S. M. Faber and Ewine van DishoeckNath, Biman B.Current Science, 2019 ,Vol. 117, No.9 , p1538
10-Dec-2020Book Review: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019. Edited By S. M. Faber, Ewine van Dishoeck and Robert C. KennicuttNath, Biman B.Current Science, 2020, Vol.119, No.11, p.1855
25-Apr-2015Book Review: The Cosmic Cocktail: Three Parts Dark Matter. Katherine Freese By Katherine FreeseNath, Biman B.Current Science, 2015, Vol.108, No.8, p. 1549
13-Apr-2022Bubbles and OB associationsDrozdov, Sergey A.; Vasiliev, Evgenii O.; Ryabova, Marina V.; Shchekinov, Yuri A.; Nath, Biman B.Open Astronomy, 2022, Vol. 31, p154
20-May-2004Burping black holesNath, Biman B.The Hindu, 20th May 2004
17-Apr-2016Calculasar Bhartio attiyoNath, Biman B.Desh, 17 April 2016, p 34-37
28-Jul-2010Carbon ionization states and the cosmic far-UV background with He II absorptionVasiliev, Evgenii O.; Sethi, S.K.; Nath, Biman B.Astrophysical Journal, 2010, Vol. 719, p1343
Jun-2017Clues to the origin of Fermi bubbles from O viii/O vii line ratioSarkar, Kartick Chandra; Nath, Biman B.; Sharma, PrateekMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, Vol. 467, p3544-3555