Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Mar-2012 | Classical light analogue of the non-local Aharonov-Bohm effect | Satapathy, Nandan; Pandey, Deepak; Mehta, Poonam; Sinha, Supurna; Samuel, J.; Ramachandran, Hema | Europhysics Letters, 2012, Vol.97, p.50011 |
Jun-2014 | Classical light sources with tunable temporal coherence and tailored photon number distributions | Pandey, Deepak; Satapathy, Nandan; Buti, Suryabrahmam; Ivan, Solomon J.; Ramachandran, Hema | European Physical Journal Plus, 2014, Vol. 129, p 115 |
Aug-2017 | A high-speed, reconfigurable, channel- and time-tagged photon arrival recording system for intensity-interferometry and quantum optics experiments | Girish, B.S.; Pandey, Deepak; Ramachandran, Hema | European Physical Journal Plus, 2017, Vol. 132, p 348 |
Dec-2013 | Intensity-Intensity Correlation of Light from an Ultracold Thermal Source | Buti, Suryabrahmam; Ollakkan, Muhamed Shaf; Girish, B.S.; Pandey, Deepak; Ramachandran, Hema | Kiran - a Bulletin of the Indian Laser Association, 2013, p12 |
Jan-2016 | Manipulation of coherent light and coherent light manipulation of atoms | Pandey, Deepak | A thesis submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy |
1-May-2013 | Optical phase noise engineering via acousto-optic interaction and its interferometric applications | Satapathy, Nandan; Pandey, Deepak; Banerjee, Sourish; Ramachandran, Hema | Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2013, Vol.30, p 910 |
Oct-2011 | Quantum walk of light in frequency space and its controlled dephasing | Pandey, Deepak; Satapathy, Nandan; Meena, M.S.; Ramachandran, Hema | Physical Review A, 2011, Vol.84, 042322 |
Jan-2016 | Time-delayed intensity-interferometry of the emission from ultracold atoms in a steady-state magneto-optical trap. | Shafi, K. Muhammed; Pandey, Deepak; Buti, Suryabrahmam; Girish, B.S.; Ramachandran, Hema | Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2016, Vol.49, P025301 |
Dec-2014 | Time-delayed Intensity-Interferometry with Light from Laser-Cooled Atoms | Ollakkan, Muhamed Shafi; Pandey, Deepak; Ramachandran, Hema | Proceedings of Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS), 2014 12th International Conference, Kharagpur,13–16 December 2014 |