Browsing by Author Saeed, Salman
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Jun-1995 | Effect of a stabilizing magnetic field on the electric-field-induced Fréedericksz transition in 4-n-pentyl-4–cyanobiphenyl | Garg, Shila; Saeed, Salman; Kini, U.D. | Physical Review E, 1995, Vol.51, 5846-5854 |
1-Aug-1997 | Frequency dependent threshold in bend geometry of 5CB | Garg, Shila; Saeed, Salman; Wild, Steven; Bramley, Erica; Kini, U.D. | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1997, Vol.302, p379-384 |
Jan-1998 | Frequency variation of periodic distortion thresholds in a nematic liquid crystal | Garg, Shila; Wild, Steven; Zurn, Ben; Saeed, Salman; Kini, U.D. | Liquid Crystals, 1998, Vol.24, p501 - 517 |