Browsing by Author Singh, Gautam

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1-Sep-2023Eco-friendly carbon dots induced thermally stable vertical alignment in planar anchored nematic liquid crystalPriscilla, P; Varshney, Deepanshu; Prakash, Jai; Kumar, Sandeep; Singh, Ashwani; Malik, Praveen; Supreet; K. Gathania, Arvind; Castagna, Riccardo; Eugenio Lucchetta, Daniele; Singh, GautamJournal of Molecular Liquids,2023,Vol.385,p.122318
10-Jun-2024Effect of carbon dots on tuning molecular alignment, dielectric and electrical properties of a smectogenic cyanobiphenyl-based liquid crystal materialPriscilla, P.; Kumar, Sandeep; Gathania, Arvind K.; Singh, Ashwani Kumar; Prakash, Jai; Kumar, Sanjeev; Malik, Praveen; Castagna, Riccardo; Singh, GautamJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024, Vol. 57, p355302
5-Apr-2024Effect of doping of organo-soluble carbon dots on ionic relaxation and conductivity of planar anchored cyanobiphenyl based nematic liquid crystalP, Priscilla; Singh, Ashwani Kumar; Malik, Praveen; Kumar, Sandeep; Supreet; Gathania, Arvind K.; Prakash, Jai; Castagna, Riccardo; Lucchetta, Daniele Eugenio; Malik, Poonma; Singh, GautamJournal of Molecular Structure, 2024, Vol. 1301, p137403
5-Feb-2025Effect of doping with carbon dots on the alignment and dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal 4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl in ITO sample cells without conventional alignment layers for low-cost display applicationsP, Priscilla; Fisch, Michael R.; Meena, Harikesh; Tomar, Srashti; Gathania, Arvind K.; Kumar, Sandeep; Prakash, Jai; Supreet; Kumar, Sanjeev; Singh, GautamJournal of Molecular Structure, 2025, Vol. 1321, p139894
20-Feb-2025Unveiling molecular alignment, dielectric and electrical conductivity of an unaligned 4-octyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl liquid crystal doped with carbon dotsP, Priscilla; Fisch, Michael R.; Kumar, Sandeep; Gathania, Arvind K.; Prakash, Jai; Supreet; Kumar, Sanjeev; Castagna, Riccardo; Singh, GautamColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2025, Vol. 707, p135854