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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
1996 | Adiabatic evolution and capture into resonance: vertical heating of a growing stellar disc | Sridhar, S.; Touma, Jihad R. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1996, Vol.279, p1263 |
1987 | Concept of entropy in collisionless stellar system | Sridhar, S.; Nityananda, R. | Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 1987, Vol.15, p44 |
20-Oct-1999 | Constrained violent relaxation to a spherical halo | Mangalam, A.; Nityananda, R.; Sridhar, S. | Astrophysical Journal, 1999, Vol.524, p623-633 |
Jul-2012 | Counter-rotating stellar discs around a massive black hole: self-consistent, time-dependent dynamics | Touma, Jihad R.; Sridhar, S. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, Vol. 423, p. 2083-2103 |
1997 | Cusps without chaos | Sridhar, S.; Touma, Jihad R. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1997, Vol.287, pL1-L4 |
11-Jun-2018 | Deformation of the Galactic Centre stellar cusp due to the gravity of a growing gas disc | Kaur, Karamveer; Sridhar, S. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, Vol. 477; p112-126 |
27-Aug-2015 | The disruption of multiplanet systems through resonance with a binary orbit | Touma, Jihad R.; Sridhar, S. | Nature, 2015, Vol. 524, p439-441 |
1987 | Do H-functions always increase during violent relaxation? | Sridhar, S. | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1987, Vol. 8, p257-262. |
2002 | Dynamical modeling of the stellar nucleus of M 31 | Sambhus, N.; Sridhar, S. | Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2002, Vol.388, p766 |
Aug-2019 | Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Keplerian Stellar Systems | Sridhar, S.; Kaur, Karamveer | Ph.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2019 |
1992 | Dynamics of the Antonov-Nuritdinov planar galaxy model | Sridhar, S.; Nityananda, R. | IAU Colloquium, 1992, Vol.132, p255-261 |
Oct-2012 | Dynamo action due to turbulence in a linear shear flow | Sridhar, S.; Singh, Nishant K. | Ph.D. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2012 |
2011 | Dynamoaction in a linear shear flowwithrandom stirring: numerical studies | Singh, Nishant K.; Jingade, Naveen; Sridhar, S. | RRI In-House Meet, 2011 |
1990 | Exact time dependent solutions - violent nonrelaxation | Sridhar, S.; Nityananda, R. | Dynamics and Interactions of galaxies (Book Chapter), 1990, p375 |
2006 | Folded fields as the source of extreme radio-wave scattering in the galactic center | Goldreich, P.; Sridhar, S. | The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, Vol.640, pL159 |
Dec-2018 | Generation of large-scale magnetic fields due to fluctuating in shearing systems | Jingade, Naveen; Singh, Nishant K.; Sridhar, S. | Journal of Plasma Physics, Volume 84, 735840601, p20 |
2007 | Imbalanced strong MHD turbulence | Lithwick, Y.; Goldreich, P.; Sridhar, S. | Astrophysical Journal, 2007, Vol.655, p269-274 |
20-Jan-2007 | Imbalanced strong MHD turbulence | Lithwick, Y.; Goldreich, P.; Sridhar, S. | Astrophysical Journal, 2007, Vol.655, p 269-274 |
18-Aug-2003 | Isospectrality in chaotic billiards | Dhar, Abhishek; Rao, Madhusudhana D.; Udaya Shankar, N.; Sridhar, S. | Physical Review E, 2003, Vol.68, 026208 |
4-Dec-2014 | Large-scale dynamo action due to α alpha fluctuations in a linear shear flow | Sridhar, S.; Singh, Nishant K. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, Vol. 445, p3770-3787 |