Browsing by Author Tom, Renjis T.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
Mar-2003 | Freely Dispersible Au@TiO2, Au@ZrO2, Ag@TiO2, and Ag@ZrO2 Core-Shell Nanoparticles: One-Step Synthesis, Characterization, Spectroscopy, and Optical Limiting Properties | Tom, Renjis T.; Nair, A. Sreekumaran; Navinder Singh; Aslam, M.; Nagendra, C.L.; Philip, Reji; Vijayamohanan, K.; Pradeep, T. | Langmuir, 2003, Vol.19, p3439-3445 |
2003 | Nonlinear light transmission through oxide-protected Au and Ag nanoparticles in the nanosecond domain | Anija, M.; Thomas, Jinto; Navinder Singh; Nair, A. Sreekumaran; Tom, Renjis T.; Pradeep, T.; Philip, Reji | Proceedings of the golden jubilee DAE-BRNS national laser symposium (NLS - 2003). Eds. A.K. Nath & K.S. Bartwal. Allied Publishers, 2003, p475-476 |
Oct-2003 | Nonlinear light transmission through oxide-protected Au and Ag nanoparticles: an investigation in the nanosecond domain | Anija, M.; Thomas, Jinto; Navinder Singh; Nair, A. Sreekumaran; Tom, Renjis T.; Pradeep, T.; Philip, Reji | Chemical Physics Letters, 2003, Vol.380, p223-229 |