Biographical Sketches and Other Articles on Raman : [100] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 100
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Dec-1970Dr. Raman as we knew him at CalcuttaVangathamizhanUnifier, 1970, Vol.1, No.12
2006Chandrasekhara Venkata RamanVenugopal, R.Indo French Technical Association, Souvenir 1996- 2006, Ruby Year Celebration
10-Dec-1973Note on the life and work of Sir Chandrasekhar Venkata RamanBroglie, Louis DeInstitut de France Academie Des Sciences, 10th Oct.1973, Paris
Feb-1987C V Raman and the German ConnectionRamaseshan, S.Science News_Feb. 1987_p33
1987Sir. C. V. Raman Smruthi ankRamaseshan, S.prajna, 1987, Vol.33,
15-Dec-1988Raman Saga-Bhavan's Journal, 1988, Vol.35, No.9, p47-70
Sep-1978Yuga Pravartaka VijnaniChandrakant, C.Janapriya Vijnana, Sept.1978, p93
10-Sep-1978Raman Parinamada Suvarna Mahotsava-Prajamata, 10th September 1978, p23
Mar-200880th Anniversary of the discovery of the Raman effect: a celebrationLong, D.A.Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2008, Vol.39, p316–321
10-Feb-2008C.V. Raman's work on scientific journals: Legacy and lessons for Indian scienceLynall, Mary-EllenCurrent Science, 2008, Vol.94, p305
1998Draft of the letter from Max Born to C.V. Raman and the story of the unsuccessful attempt of Raman to get Born and other refugee-scientists from Germany to IndiaRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1998, Vol.74, p379
1971Chandrasekhar Venkata RamanBhagavantam, S.Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1971, Vol.17, p565-592
7-Nov-1998The spirit of a giantVenkataraman, G.RRI Golden Jubilee Lecture, 7th November 1998.
5-May-1971Prof. Raman on the Raman Research InstituteRaman, C.V.; Ramaseshan, S.Current Science, 1971, Vol.40, p248.
3-Mar-1978C. V. RamanRamaseshan, S.C.V.Raman memorial lecture, 1978, p1-23.
20-Feb-1988Research with style: The story of Raman's study of light scatteringRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1988, Vol. 57, p163-171.
20-Nov-1988The portrait of a scientist - C.V. RamanRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1988, Vol. 57, p1207-1220.
10-Jul-1998The Raman effectRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1998, Vol. 75, p6.
10-Dec-1998A conversation with K.S.Krishnan on the story of the discovery of the Raman effectRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1998, Vol. 75, p1265-1272.
10-Jan-1996S. Chandrasekhar and C.V. Raman - Some lettersRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1996, Vol. 70, p104-107.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 100