C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.1. Scattering of Light : [102] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 102
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1922Transparency of liquids and the colour of the seaRaman, C.V.Nature, 1922, Vol.110, p280-281
1923The scattering of X-rays in liquidsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p185
1923On the polarization of the light scattered by gases and vapoursRaman, C.V.; Sheshagiri Rao, K.Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.46 p426-434
1942The nature of the liquid stateRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p303-310
1942Spectroscopic investigation of the solid and liquid statesRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p225-227
1923The scattering of light by anisotropic moleculesRaman, C.V.Nature, 1923, Vol.112, p165-166
1923The Nature of the liquid stateRaman, C.V.Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p428
1927Relation of Tyndall effect to osmotic pressure in colloidal solutionsRaman, C.V.Indian Journal of Physics, 1927, Vol.2 p1-6
1923The diffraction of X-rays in liquids, liquid mixtures, solutions, fluid crystals and amorphous solidsRaman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R.Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1923, Vol.8, p127-162
1912Some remarkable cases of resonanceRaman, C.V.Physical Review, 1912, Vol.35, p449-458
1927La constant de birefringence magnetique du benzeneRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.C. R. Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1927, Vol.184, p449-451
1919Note on the theory of sub-synchronous maintenanceRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1919, Vol.95, p544-545
1923On the molecular scattering of light in dense vapours and gasesRaman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R.Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.45, p113-128
15-Jun-1930Diamagnetism and molecular structureRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1930, Vol.42, p309-320
1922The molecular scattering of lightRaman, C.V.The molecular scattering of light/Raman, C V, Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1922, p104
1927Magnetic double refractionRaman, C.V.; Ramakrishna Rao, J.Nature, 1927, Vol.119, p528
1922Diffraction by molecular clusters and the quantum structure of lightRaman, C.V.Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p444-445
1924The structure of molecules in relation to their optical anisotropyRaman, C.V.Nature, 1924, Vol.114, p49-50
1923The scattering of light by liquid and solid surfacesRaman, C.V.Nature, 1923, Vol.112, p281-282
1922Opalescence phenomena in liquid mixturesRaman, C.V.Nature, 1922, Vol.110, p77-78
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 102