C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.2. Acoustics : [53] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 53
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1918The theory of the cyclical vibrations of a bowed stringRaman, C.V.Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1918, Vol.15, p1-8
1922On whispering galleriesRaman, C.V.Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1922, Vol.17, p159-172
1920On the sounds of splashesRaman, C.V.; Dey, AshutoshPhilosophical Magazine, 1920, Vol.39, p145-147
1920On the mechanical violin-player for acoustical experimentsRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1920, Vol.39, p535-536
1910The maintenance of forced oscillationsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1910, Vol.82, p428-429
1918On the 'Wolf note' in bowed stringed instrumentsRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1918, Vol.35, p493-496
1915On motion in a periodic field of forceRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1915, Vol.29, p15-27
1917The maintenance of vibrations by a periodic field of forceRaman, C.V.; Dey, AshutoshPhilosophical Magazine, 1917, Vol.34, p129-137
1917On discontinuous wave-motion - Part IIIRaman, C.V.; Dey, AshutoshPhilosophical Magazine, 1917, Vol.33, p352-357
1917On discontinuous wave-motion - Part II.Raman, C.V.; Dey, AshutoshPhilosophical Magazine, 1917, Vol.33, p203-206
1916On the 'Wolf note' of the violin and celloRaman, C.V.Nature, 1916, Vol.97, p362-363
1921The whispering gallery phenomenon at St Paul's CathedralRaman, C.V.; Sutherland, G.A.Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p42
1935Nature of thermal agitation in liquidsRaman, C.V.; Raghavendra Rao, B.V.Nature, 1935, Vol.135, p761-762
1935Indian musical drumsRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1935, Vol.1, p179-188
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part III: Doppler effect and coherence phenomenaRaman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p75-84
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part I.Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.2, p406-412
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part IIRaman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.2, p413-420
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part IV. Generalized theoryRaman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p119-125
1920Musical drums with harmonic overtonesRaman, C.V.; Kumar, SivakaliNature, 1920, Vol.104, p500
1918'Wolf note' in pizzicato playingRaman, C.V.Nature, 1918, Vol.101, p264
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 53