C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.4. Optics of Minerals and Diamond : [77] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 77 of 77
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1950The structure of labradorite and the origin of its iridescenceRaman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.32, p1-16
1950The lamellar structure and birefringence of plate glassRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.31, p359-364
1944Birefringence patterns of diamondRaman, C.V.; Rendall, G.R.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1944, Vol.19, p265-273
1944The nature and origin of the luminescence of diamondRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1944, Vol.19, p199-215
1939The structure and optical characters of iridescent glassRaman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1939, Vol.9, p371-381
1934On iridescent shells - Part II: Colours of laminar diffractionRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p574-589
1934On iridescent shells - Part I: IntroductoryRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p567-573
1934The origin of the colours in the plumage of birdsRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p1-7
1952On the iridescence of potassium chlorate crystals. Part III: Some general observationsRaman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1952, Vol.36, p330-334
1950The luminescence of diamond and its relation to crystal structureRaman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.32, p65-73
1950The structure and optical behaviour of Ceylon moonstonesRaman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A.; Srinivasan, T.K.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.32, p123-140
1944The crystal symmetry and structure of diamondRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1944, Vol.19, p189-198
1940Colours of stratified media - I : Ancient decomposed glassRaman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p469-482
1953The structure of opal and the origin of its iridescenceRaman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.38, p101-108
1954The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent calciteRaman, C.V.; Ramdas, A.K.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.40, p1-7
1954On the polycrystalline forms of gypsum and their optical behaviourRaman, C.V.; Ramdas, A.K.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p153-161
1953The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent opalRaman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.38, p343-354
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 77 of 77