C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.5. Physics of Crystals : [91] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 91
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
6-Aug-1938Optical observation of the Debye heat waves in crystalsRaman, C.V.; Venkateswaran, C.S.Nature, 1938, Vol. 142, p250
May-1941The quantum theory of X-ray reflectionRaman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P.Current Science, 1941, Vol. 10, p241-245
1948The eigenvibrations of crystal structuresRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1948, Vol.17, p1-11
1962The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part II. The free modes of atomic vibrationRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p6-10
1962The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part IX. Spectral shifts in light scatteringRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p40-44
1962The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part VIII. Their infra-red activityRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p34-39
1962The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part IV. The spectrophotometer recordsRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p304-311
1962The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part VII. Evaluation of the specific heatsRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p30-33
1962The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part III. Activity of the normal modesRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p301-303
1962The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part II. The free modes of vibrationRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p294-300
1962The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part I. IntroductionRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p291-293
1957The specific heats of crystalline solids: Part I.Raman, C.V.Current Science, 1957, Vol.26, p195-198
1955The elasticity of crystalsRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1955, Vol.24, p325-328
1948Dynamic X-ray reflections in crystalsRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1948, Vol.17, p65-75
1947New paths of crystal physicsRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1947, Vol.16, p67-70
1962The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part IV. The non-luminescent diamondsRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p114-19
1962The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part I. Materials and methodsRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p1-4
1962The vibration spectrum of lithium fluoride and the evaluation of its specific heatRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p131-152
1962The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part III. The perfect diamonds and their spectral behaviourRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p10-13
1961The spectroscopic behaviour of rock-salt and the evaluation of its specific heat. Part IV. Specific heat and spectral frequenciesRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p294-304
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 91