C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.5. Physics of Crystals : [91] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 91 of 91
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1940Reflection of X-rays with change of frequency. Part IV. Rock saltRaman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.12, p141-156
1940Reflection of X-rays with change of frequency. Part III. The case of sodium nitrateRaman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p398-408
1940Reflection of X-rays with change of frequency. Part II. The case of diamondRaman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p389-397
1963The infra-red behaviour of the alkali halidesRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p1-6
1962The infra-red behaviour of diamondRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1962, Vol.31, p403-407
1957The specific heats of crystalline solids: Part IIRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1957, Vol.26, p231-234
1956Quantum theory and crystal physicsRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1955, Vol.25, p377-381
1955The thermal energy of crystalsRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1955, Vol.24, p357-361
1947The Infra-red spectrumRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1947, Vol.16, p359-366
1947The vibration spectra of crystals. Part II. The case of diamondRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p356-369
1940A new X-ray effectRaman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P.Current Science, 1940, Vol.9, p165-167
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 91 of 91