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Title: High performance power spectrum analysis using a FPGA based reconfigurable computing platform
Authors: Abhyankar, Y.
Sajish, C.
Agarwal, Yogesh
Subrahmanya, C.R.
Prasad, Peeyush
Issue Date: Sep-2006
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGA's, Sept. 2006, IEEE, 2006, p1-5
Abstract: Power-spectrum analysis is an important tool providing critical information about a signal. The range of applications includes communication-systems to DNA-sequencing. If there is interference present on a transmitted signal, it could be due to a natural cause or superimposed forcefully. In the later case, its early detection and analysis becomes important. In such situations having a small observation window, a quick look at power-spectrum can revel a great deal of information, including frequency and source of interference. In this paper, we present our design of a FPGA based reconfigurable platform for high performance power-spectrum analysis. This allows for the real-time data-acquisition and processing of samples of the incoming signal in a small time frame. The processing consists of computation of power, its average and peak, over a set of input values. This platform sustains simultaneous data streams on each of the four input channels
Description: Open Access
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Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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