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Title: Dynamics of the Antonov-Nuritdinov planar galaxy model
Authors: Sridhar, S.
Nityananda, R.
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Citation: IAU Colloquium, 1992, Vol.132, p255-261
Abstract: A time dependent solution of the collisionless Boltzmann equation (CBE) in two space dimensions first given by Antonov and Nuritdinov is discussed further. The solution is self consistent with a quadratic potential and represents a generalised Freeman bar characterised by 10 parameters. Because of two conserved quantities, they form an 8-dimensional phase space. Geometric and group theoretical aspects of this dynamica1 system are discussed. Systems of this type can show chaotic oscillations in general. This study raises interesting general questions about time dependent solutions of the CBE.
Description: Restricted Access. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium 132: Instability, chaos & predictability in celestial mechanics & stellar dynamics, held in Delhi, India during October 10-13, 1991. Ed. K B Bhatnagar, 1992.
ISBN: 1-56072-054-9
Copyright: 1992 Nova Science Publishers
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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