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dc.contributor.authorDevasia, Jincy-
dc.contributor.authorJames, Marykutty-
dc.contributor.authorPaul, Biswajit-
dc.contributor.authorIndulekha, Kavila-
dc.identifier.citationMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, Vol.417, p348en
dc.identifier.issn1365-2966 (Online)-
dc.descriptionRestricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)en
dc.description.abstractWe present the timing and spectral properties of the transient X-ray pulsarGX304−1 during its recent outburst in 2010 August, using observations carried out with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) instrument on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite. We detected strong intensity- and energy-dependent variations in the pulse profiles during the outburst. The pulse profile showed significant evolution over the outburst. It showed complex structures consisting of a main peak with steps on both sides during the start of the outburst.On some days, a sharp dip-like feature was seen which disappeared at the end of the outburst when the profile evolved into a sinusoidal shape. At low energies, the pulse profiles appeared complex, consisting of multiple peaks and a narrow minimum. The amplitude of the second brightest peak in low energies decreased with energy, and above 12 keV the shape of the pulse profile changed to a single broad peak with a dip-like feature. The dip had energy dependence, both in phase and in width. We detected quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) at 0.125 Hz with a harmonic. The QPO feature had a low rms value of 2.9 per cent and it showed a positive energy dependence up to 40 keV with the rms value increasing to 9 per cent at 40 keV. The QPO frequency decreased from 0.128 to 0.108 Hz in 12 days. During most of the outburst, the 3–30 keV spectrum of GX 304−1 can be well fitted with a partial covering power-law model with a high-energy cut-off and iron fluorescent line emission. For a few of the observations carried out during the decay of the outburst, the partial covering absorption component is found to change to single-component absorption. We also found that the partial covering and high-energy cut-off parameters vary significantly with the pulse phase.en
dc.publisherWiley Interscience for the RASen
dc.rights2011 The authors & the Royal Astronomical Society.en
dc.subjectbinaries: generalen
dc.subjectpulsars: individualen
dc.subjectGX 304-1en
dc.subjectX-rays binariesen
dc.subjectX-rays: individual: GX 304-1en
dc.subjectX-rays: starsen
dc.subjectX-rays: starsen
dc.titleTiming and spectral studies of the transient x-ray pulsar GX 304-1 during an outbursten
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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