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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 63
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
27-Jul-2018Institutional Repository Know-how of a decade in Managing Digital AssetsMeera, B.M.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Kaddipujar, ManjunathEPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 186, p07001, 2018 (Library and Information Services in Astronomy VIII: “Astronomy Librarianship in the era of Big Data and Open Science)
Mar-2018Data-intensive research in physics: challenges and perspectivesMeera, B.M.; Hiremath, VaniAnnals of Library and Information Studies, 2018, Vol.65, p43-49
Apr-2017Library Space: A Boon or a Bane? In digital EraMeera, B.M.; Kaddipujar, ManjunathProceedings of International Library and Information Professionals Summit ILIPS 2017, held from April 6-8, IISER Mohali, Edited by P Visakhi et al, Page 10-18., 2017
Mar-2017Physics Researchers' Perception of Advantages and Disadvantages of Open Access Journals: A studyNagaraj, M.N.; Bhandi, M.K.International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2017, Vol 7, p 132
Oct-2016Use and awareness of open access resources among researchers : a Case Study of Raman Research InstituteNagaraj, M.N.; Bhandi, M.K.SRELS Journal of Information Management, 2016, Vol.53, p381-386
Oct-2016Evolution of Scholarly Publishing and Library Services in Astronomy - Impact, Challenges, and OpportunitiesHema, Wesley; Sheshadri, GeethaProceedings of the XXIX (29th) International Astronomical Union General Assembly, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 29A, Page 156-164.
May-2004Design and Implement of Digital Library: an overviewSavanur, Kiran P.; Nagaraj, M.N.Proceedings of 4th ASSIST National Seminar on Digital Resources and Services in Libraries organized by Department of Library and Information Science, Kuvempu University, Jnana Sahyadri Shivamogga during 30th April and 1st May 2004. Edited by V G Talawar and B S Biradar Page 47
Jan-2016Best practices in scholarly communications : An open access phenomenonMeera, B.M.Proceedings of the National conference on "Recent trends in Open Access (NCRTOA - 2016) held at University College of Arts, Tumkur on 9th January 2016, Page 75, Ed by Shivalingaiah et al
Nov-2015Useful open access resources in physicsBhandi, M.K.; Nagaraj, M.N.Book chapter from "Quality and excellence in Librarianship" published as Festschrift volume in Honor of Dr R.B Gaddagimath, Edited by Suresh Jange, Page 195.,
Nov-2015Digital preserving of multimedia and photographic collections of Raman Research Institute Library : A case StudyNagaraj, M.N.; Varghese, Raju; Bhandi, M.K.Proceedings of 18th NACLIN 2015 National Convention , held at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga from Nov 24-26, 2015, Edited by Kaul H K et al, Page 187.
Apr-2015Sir. C.V. Raman's Contribution to Physics Literature: A Study Using SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.Manjunath, M.; RameshaJournal of Indian Library Assocation, 2015, Vol. 5, p 36,
Jul-2015Bio-bibliometric profile of Sir. C.V. Raman as seen through Google ScholarManjunath, M.; RameshaInternational Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2015, Vol 5, p 41
Apr-2015Enhancing access to audio and video collections of Raman research institute library through digitizationNagaraj, M.N.; Benegal, Vrinda J.; Bhandi, M.K.ASP Conference Series, 2015, Vol. 492 p 212
Apr-2015Productivity of Indian Telescopes: Impact analysis through scientometric methodsMeera, B.M.; Manjunath, M.ASP Conference Series, 2015, Vol. 492 p 118
Dec-2013Electronic resources management at Raman Research Instiute LibraryNagaraj, M.N.; Bhandi, M.K.Proceedings of UGC Sponsored 4th KSCLA National Conference on Impact of information Technology on Library Services, held at Suvarna Samskruthi Bhavan, Shimoga, Karnataka from Dec 27-28th Page - 85, 2013 (Book Chapter) Ed by Kannappanavar B.U et al., 2013
Nov-2013Long term preservation of multimedia objects through digitization : Exploratory study at RRIMeera, B.M.Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL - 2013) held at New Delhi, from 27-29 November 2013 (Book Chapter) Vol-2 Page - 1015 Edited by Shantanu Ganguly et al
Jan-2014Open access initiatives in physics literature : Exploratory studyNagaraj, M.N.; Bhandi, M.K.Book Chapter from Proceedings of National conference on Democratization of Information using ICT, (DEMICT- 2014) held at Departmetn of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore, from 24-25th January 2014. Eds, Khaisar Muneebulla Khan et al
Feb-2012Online reference zone: a gateway to reference resources in science and technologyMeera, B.M.; Ummer, RehanaSRELS Journal ofInformation Management, 2012, Vol.49, p55
Jul-2011Digital information services and products: a case of Raman Research InstituteMeera, B.M.; Manjunath, M.; Savanur, Kiran P.KLA National Seminar on Content development and libraries- new vista in harnessing information, 14-16 July 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Jul-2013Facets of digital data dissemination: value addition through “imprints collection”Meera, B.M.; Manjunath, M.; Kaddipujar, ManjunathLibrary Hi Tech, 2013, Vol. 31, p308-322
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 63