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dc.contributor.authorNockolds, C.E.-
dc.contributor.authorRamaseshan, S.-
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical Science, 1984, Vol. 93, p197en
dc.descriptionOpen Accessen
dc.description.abstractThe crystal stmcture of air-dried crystals of the O-monocarboxyic acid of cyanocobalamin, E2, has been solved by x-ray analysis. The lattice constants are n = 14.51 A b = 17-09 A, e = 16-35 A. p = 103"; space group P2,. Phare angles were derived from observations on a n e a u s dispersion effects for 2567 of the measured 2875 pairs of reflections, hkl and hkl, and usnf in the solution of the structure The intensities of reflexions were eye estimated from Weissenberg photographs. The molecular arrangement is very dierent from that of other cyanowbalaminr; the corrin rings of neighbouring molecules are at ca 90" to one another. It was not wssihle to r e c o- d e t h e oneacid -m ouo amone the amides & with certainty.en
dc.publisherIndian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India.en
dc.rights1984 Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indiaen
dc.subjectVitamin B12en
dc.subjectair dried crystals of a-monoacid of B12en
dc.subjectanomalous disprsion methoden
dc.subjectEjsral structureen
dc.titleX-ray and neutron diffraction studies of the crystal and molecular structure of the predominant monocarboxylic acid obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin. Part I. X-ray diffraction studies of air dried crystalsen
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous Publications

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