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Title: An octave bandwidth frequency independent dipole antenna
Authors: Raghunathan, A.
Udaya Shankar, N.
Subrahmanyan, Ravi
Issue Date: Jul-2013
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation, 2013, Vo. 61, p3411
Abstract: Precision measurements of the spectrum of the cosmic radio background require frequency independent antennas of small electrical dimensions. We describe the design of a wide-band fat-dipole antenna with a sinusoidal profile having a frequency independent performance over the octave band 87.5 to 175 MHz. The input return loss exceeds 15 dB and the radiation power pattern is frequency invariant and close to cosine square over the octave bandwidth. The structure has been optimized using electromagnetic modeling, and the design has been validated by constructing a prototype.
Description: Restricted Access
ISSN: 0018-926X
1558-2221- E
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Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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