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Title: Non-linear multipole interactions and gravitational-wave octupole modes for inspiralling compact binaries to third-and-a-half post-Newtonian order
Authors: Faye, Guillaume
Blanchet, Luc
Iyer, B.R.
Keywords: approximation
gravitational waves
Issue Date: 19-Feb-2015
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.
Citation: Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, Vol.32, p045016
Abstract: This paper is motivated by the need to improve the post-Newtonian (PN) amplitude accuracy of waveforms for gravitational waves generated by inspiralling compact binaries, both for use in data analysis and in the comparison between post-Newtonian approximations and numerical relativity computations. It presents (i) the non-linear couplings between multipole moments of general post-Newtonian matter sources up to order 3.5PN, including all contributions from tails, tails-of-tails and the non-linear memory effect; and (ii) the source mass-type octupole moment of (non-spinning) compact binaries up to order 3PN, which permits completion of the expressions of the octupole modes $(3,3)$ and $(3,1)$ of the gravitational waveform to order 3.5PN. On this occasion we reconfirm by means of independent calculations our earlier results concerning the source mass-type quadrupole moment to order 3PN. Related discussions on factorized resummed waveforms and the occurence of logarithmic contributions to high order are also included.
Description: Open Access - IOP select
ISSN: 0264-9381
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Copyright: 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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