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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 365
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Apr-1967Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B12Nockolds, C.K.; Waters, T.N.M.; Ramaseshan, S.; Waters, J.M.Nature, 1967, Vol, 214, p129
1966Use of anomalous scattering of neutrons in the solution of crystal structures containing large moleculesRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1966, Vol. 35, p87
1996Reminiscences and discoveries: Dorothy Hodgkin and the Indian connectionRamaseshan, S.Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London,1996, Vol. 50, p115
Sep-1996Chandrasekhar: some reminiscencesRamaseshan, S.Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 1996, Vol.24, p537
1974Thermoelectric power of cerium at high pressuresRamesh, T.G.; Reshamwala, A.S.; Ramaseshan, S.Pramana, 1974, Vol.2, 171-178
1966The determination of heavy atom positions in protein derivativesSingh, A.K.; Ramaseshan, S.Acta Crystallographica, 1966, Vol. 21, p279
May-1972The optics of heterogeneous mediaRamaseshan, S.Current Science, 1972, Vol. 41, p381
1964The crystal structure of barium hydroxide octahydrate Ba(OH)2.8H2O*Manohar, H.; Ramaseshan, S.Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1964, Vol.119, p357
1964Rotating elliptic analysers and automatic analysis of polarised light - Part IIRajagopalan, S.R.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences A, 1964, Vol. 60, p379
1964Rotating elliptic analysers for the automatic analysis of polarised light - Part IRajagopalan, S.R.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences A, 1964, Vol. 60, p297
1971Application of x-ray and electron spectroscopy to materials scienceRamesh, T.G.; Ramaseshan, S.NAL Scientific Review, 1971, p1
1964An apparatus for low and high temperature optical goniometry of hygrosopic crystalsAravamudan, G.; Sreenivasa Murthy, G.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences A, 1964, Vol. 60, p25
1963The use of anomalous scattering in crystal structure analysisRamaseshan, S.Advanced methods of crystallography (Book Chapter), 1963, p7
1962The crystal and molecular structure of echitamine iodide, C22H29O4N2IManohar, H.; Ramaseshan, S.Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1962, Vol.117, p273
1964Low temperature attachment to the Weissenberg goniometerSingh, A.K.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences A, 1964, Vol. 60, p20
1962Molecular formula and identity of β-guttiferin and α-gambogic acidGupta, V.S.; Narasimha Rao, P.L.; Vaidya, S.N.; Ramaseshan, S.Chemistry and Industry, 1962, p1469-1470
May-1962Anomalous thermal expansion of KI at low temperaturesViswamitra, M.A.; Ramaseshan, S.Acta Crystallographica, 1962, Vol. 15, p513
Dec-1971Partial structure factors in a liquid or amorphous binary system using anomalous scatteringRamesh, T.G.; Ramaseshan, S.Journal of Physics C, 1971, Vol. 4, p3029-3033
1964Rapid alignment of crystals in x-ray camerasRamaswamy, S.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences A, 1964, Vol. 60, p115
Sep-1960The crystal structure of copper perchlorate hexahydrate, Cu(ClO4)2 - 6 H2OMani, N.V.; Ramaseshan, S.Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 1960, Vol. 115, p7
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 365