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Title: The Hartle–Hawking wave function in 2D causal set quantum gravity
Authors: Glaser, Lisa
Surya, Sumati
Issue Date: 17-Mar-2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.
Citation: Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2016, Vol.33, p065003
Abstract: We define the Hartle–Hawking no-boundary wave function for causal set theory (CST) over the discrete analogs of spacelike hypersurfaces. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo and numerical integration methods we analyze the wave function in non-perturbative 2D CST. We find that in the low-temperature regime it is dominated by causal sets which have no continuum counterparts but possess physically interesting geometric properties. Not only do they exhibit a rapid spatial expansion with respect to the discrete proper time, but a high degree of spatial homogeneity. The latter is due to the extensive overlap of the causal pasts of the elements in the final discrete hypersurface and corresponds to high graph connectivity. Our results thus suggest new possibilities for the role of quantum gravity in the observable Universe.
Description: Restricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)
ISSN: 0264-9381
1361-6382 (E)
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Copyright: 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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