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Title: Gas between the stars : What determines its temperature?
Authors: Nath, Biman B.
Keywords: Thermal equilibrium
Issue Date: Nov-2016
Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India.
Citation: Resonance, 2016, Vol. 21, No. 11, p 985
Abstract: The interstellar gas in galaxies is heated by stellar radiation and cosmic rays and it also cools through radiation. We take a detailed look at these processes in order to understand the thermal state of equilibrium of the interstellar gas. This gas also manifests itself in different ‘phases’–molecular, neutral atomic and ionized, each with its characteristic temperature and density, which we attempt to understand.
Description: Open Access
ISSN: 0971-8044
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Copyright: 2016 Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous Publications

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