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Title: Scientometric portrait of Prof. Peter John Wyllie
Authors: Sangam, S.L.
Savanur, Kiran P.
Manjunath, M.
Vasudevan, R.
Issue Date: Jan-2006
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Scientometrics, 2006, Vol. 66, p43–53
Abstract: Scientometrics is an application of quantitative methods to the history of Science. It is also one of the techniques for documenting, collecting works of eminent scientists and researcher's. In this paper, we present a concise sketch of Prof. Peter John Wyllie, stressing on his scientific achievements. His research has had a great impact in the fields dealing with terrestrial magmatic phenomena and geology.
Description: Restricted Access.
ISSN: 0138-9130
1588-2861 (Online)
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Copyright: 2006 Springer
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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