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Title: Aspects of Quantum fields on causal sets
Authors: X, Nomaan
Thesis Advisor: Surya, Sumati
Subject: Theoretical Physics
Issue Date: Apr-2021
Publisher: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore.
Citation: Ph.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2021
Abstract: Quantum gravity has been an outstanding problem in theoretical physics for many decadesnow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The lack of phenomenology in this area has meant a proliferationof theoretical ideas. These ideas offer different ways of tackling the problem of quantizingthe gravitational field. In the past, we have found ways to get glimpses of the final theoryby studying quantum fields in curved spacetime [7, 8]. This approach has led to the mostmathematically rigorous formulations of quantum field theory [9]. It has also led to suchwell known results as Black Hole thermodynamics, particle production in FLRW cosmology,inflation and the information loss paradox. These results have been shown to arise in avariety of scenarios and from different kinds of calculations, further cementing their place asessential features for a final theory despite the lack of phenomenological evidence
Description: Open Access
Copyright: This thesis is posted here with the permission of the author. Personal use of this material is permitted. Any other use requires prior permission of the author. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
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