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Title: Euclidean LQG dynamics: an electric shift in perspective
Authors: Varadarajan, Madhavan
Keywords: loop quantum gravity
Hamiltonian constraint
canonical gravity
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2021, Vol.38, p135020
Abstract: Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a non-perturbative attempt at quantization of a classical phase space description of gravity in terms of SU(2) connections and electric fields. As emphasized recently Ashtekar and Varadarajan (2020 arXiv:2012.12094 [gr-qc]), on this phase space, classical gravitational evolution in time can be understood in terms of certain gauge covariant generalizations of Lie derivatives with respect to a spatial SU(2) Lie algebra valued vector field called the electric shift. We present a derivation of a quantum dynamics for Euclidean LQG which is informed by this understanding. In addition to the physically motivated nature of the action of the Euclidean Hamiltonian constraint so derived, the derivation implies that the spin labels of regulating holonomies are determined by corresponding labels of the spin network state being acted upon thus eliminating the 'spin j-ambiguity' pointed out by Perez. By virtue of Thiemann's seminal work, the Euclidean quantum dynamics plays a crucial role in the construction of the Lorentzian quantum dynamics so that our considerations also have application to Lorentzian LQG.
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ISSN: 0264-9381
1361-6382 (Online)
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Copyright: 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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