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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Sep-2010Discovery of a 0.02 Hz QPO feature in the transient X-ray pulsar KS 1947+300James, Marykutty; Paul, Biswajit; Devasia, Jincy; Indulekha, KavilaMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, Vol.407, p285
Sep-2002New measurements of orbital period change in Cygnus X-3Singh, N.S.; Naik, S.; Paul, Biswajit; Agrawal, P.C.; Rao, A.R.; Singh, K.Y.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2002, Vol.392, p161-167
Jul-2004Observations of the transient X-ray pulsar EXO 053109-6609.2 with ASCA, BeppoSAX and XMM-NewtonNaik, S.; Paul, BiswajitAIP Conference Proceedings Vol.714, 2004, p346-349
1-Feb-2013Pulse phase resolved spectroscopy of Vela X-1 with SuzakuMaitra, Chandreyee; Paul, BiswajitThe Astrophysical journal, 2013, Vol.763, p79
1-Dec-2013Revisiting SW J2000.6+3210: a persistent Be X-ray pulsar?Pradhan, Pragati; Maitra, Chandreyee; Paul, Biswajit; Paul, B.C.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013, Vol. 436, p945-952
Jun-2011RXTE-PCA observations of 1A 1118--61: timing and spectral studies during an outburstDevasia, Jincy; James, Marykutty; Paul, Biswajit; Indulekha, KavilaMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, Vol.414, p1023
Feb-2018Suzaku observation of the eclipsing high mass X-ray binary pulsar XTE J1855-026.Devasia, Jincy; Paul, BiswajitJournal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2018, Vol.39, p7