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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Mar-2016Bulk heterojunction solar cells based on self-assembling disc-shaped liquid crystalline materialBajpai, Manisha; Yadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Srivastava, Ritu; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2016, Vol.43, p 305-313
Feb-2017Bulk heterojunction solar cells made from carbazole copolymer and fullerene derivative with an inserted layer of discotic material with improved efficiencyBajpai, Manisha; Yadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Srivastava, Ritu; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2017, Vol.44, p 379-386
Sep-2015Cadmium selenide quantum dots for the amelioration of the properties of a room temperature discotic liquid crystalline materialYadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraRSC Advances, 2015, Vol. 5, P 78823-32
Oct-2021Corrigendum/Addendum to ‘‘Strengthening of columnar hexagonalphase of a room temperature discotic liquid crystalline material by usingferroelectric barium titanate nanoparticles” [J. Mol. Liq. 294 (2019 111609)Uttam, Rahul; Yadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, Vol. 339, p116807
15-Oct-2018Dependence of physical parameters on the size of silver nano particles forming composites with a nematic liquid crystalline materialTripathi, Pratibha; Mishra, Mukesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dabrowski, R.; Dhar, RavindraJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, Vol.268, p403–409
30-Sep-2022Dispersion of thiol capped AuNPs in rufigallol derivative discotic liquid crystal-Enhanced one dimensional electrical conductivityUttam, Rahul; Khare, Akanksha; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2022, Vol. 49, p 523
Dec-2015Dye-sensitised solar cells with iodine-free discotic electrolytesSelvaraj, Ananda Rama Krishnan; Lakshminarayanan, V.; Dhar, Ravindra; Kumar, SandeepLiquid Crystals, 2015, Vol.42, p 1815-1822
6-Nov-2014Effect of dispersed colloidal gold nanoparticles on the electrical properties of a columnar discotic liquid crystalMishra, Mukesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraRSC Advances, 2014, Vol. 4, p 62404-62412
Jan-2017Effect of high concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles on the thermodynamic, optical, and electrical properties of 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11-hexabutyloxytryphenylene discotic liquid crystalline materialMishra, Mukesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraSoft Materials, 2017, Vol.15, p 34-44
Oct-2015Effect of silver nanoparticles on frequency and temperature-dependent electrical parameters of a discotic liquid crystalline materialYaduvanshi, Priti; Mishra, Avneesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2015, Vol.42, p 1478-89
May-2015Effects of copper nanoparticles on the thermodynamic, electrical and optical properties of a disc-shaped liquid crystalline material showing columnar phaseYaduvanshi, Priti; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraPhase Transitions , 2015, Vol.88, p489-502
Nov-2020Enhanced charge carrier conduction and other characteristic parameters of hexagonal plastic columnar phase of a discotic liquid crystalline material due to functionalized gold nanoparticlesKhare, Akanksha; Uttam, Rahul; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, Vol.3147, p113985
Aug-2015Enhancement in the thermodynamic, electrical and optical properties of hexabutoxytriphenylene due to copper nanoparticlesYaduvanshi, Priti; Mishra, Avneesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraJournal of Molecular Liquids, 2015, Vol. 208, p 160-164
16-Jan-2024Gold nanoparticles doped organic liquid crystalline material for fast charge migration in nano-devicesKhare, Akanksha; Uttam, Rahul; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2024, Vol.51, No.3
10-May-2016Gold nanoparticles in plastic columnar discotic liquid crystalline materialMishra, Mukesh; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraThermochimica Acta, 2016, Vol. 631, p 59-70
6-Dec-2023Impact of carbon quantum dots on self-assembly and dielectric relaxation modes of a room temperature tri-component fluorinated antiferroelectric liquid crystal mixtureIqbal, Amir; Urbanska, Magdalena; Da˛browski, Roman S.; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraSoft Matter,2023,Vol.19, p9293
8-Mar-2016Incorporation of liquid crystalline triphenylene derivative in bulk heterojunction solar cell with molybdenum oxide as buffer layer for improved efficiencyBajpai, Manisha; Yadav, Neelam; Kumar, Sandeep; Srivastava, Ritu; Dhar, RavindraLiquid Crystals, 2016, Vol.43, p928-936
21-Sep-2024Interfacing of Surface Functionalized Carbon Quantum Dots with Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Molecules to Enhance Electro- Optical CharacteristicsIqbal, Amir; Urbanska, Magdalena; Dabrowski, Roman S.; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2024, Vol. 6, p6876-6892
Nov-2020Magnified charge carrier conduction, permittivity, and mesomorphic properties of columnar structure of a room temperature discotic liquid crystalline material due to the dispersion of low concentration ferroelectric nanoparticlesUttam, Rahul; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraPhysical Review E, 2020, Vol.102, Article No.052702
15-Nov-2022Nanocomposite system of a discotic liquid crystal doped with thiol capped gold nanoparticlesKhare, Akanksha; Uttam, Rahul; Kumar, Sandeep; Dhar, RavindraJournal of Molecular Liquids,2022, Vol.366,p120215