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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
31-Aug-2022Absence of thermalization of free systems coupled to gapped interacting reservoirsLjubotina, Marko; Roy, Dibyendu; Prosen, TomazPhysical Review B, 2022, Vol.106, p054314
May-2020Amplification and cross-Kerr nonlinearity in waveguide quantum electrodynamicsVinu, Athul; Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review A, 2020, Vol.101, p053812
27-Mar-2024Anomalous dynamical response of non-Hermitian topological phasesNehra, Ritu; Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review B, 2024, Vol. 109, p094311
2008Charge and energy transport in the presence of disorder and interactionsDhar, Abhishek; Roy, DibyenduPh.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2008.
21-Oct-2023Correction: Nonequilibrium Electrical, Thermal and Spin Transport in Open Quantum Systems of Topological Superconductors, Semiconductors and MetalsBondyopadhaya, Nilanjan; Roy, DibyenduJournal of Statistical Physics, 2023, Vol. 190, Article No. 167
Sep-2017Critical features of nonlinear optical isolators for improved nonreciprocity.Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review A, 2017 Vol.96, p033838
Jun-2008Crossover from ballistic to diffusive thermal transport in quantum Langevin dynamics study of a harmonic chain connected to self-consistent reservoirsRoy, DibyenduPhysical Review E, 2008, Vol.77, 062102
Feb-2008Decohering d-dimensional quantum resistanceRoy, Dibyendu; Kumar, N.Physical Review B, 2008, Vol.77, 064201
6-Feb-2025Detecting winding and Chern numbers in topological matter using the spectral functionEstake, Kiran Babasaheb; Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review B, 2025, Vol.111, p085406
10-Dec-2021Detection of spin coherence in cold atoms via Faraday rotation fluctuationsSwar, Maheswar; Roy, Dibyendu; Bhar, Subhajit; Roy, Sanjukta; Chaudhuri, SaptarishiPhysical Review Research, 2021, Vol. 3, Article No. 043171
30-Dec-2022Developing a novel, non-invasive detection technique in hot and cold atomic systems based on spin noise spectroscopy (SNS)Chaudhuri, Saptarishi; Roy, Dibyendu; Swar, MaheswarPh.D. Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2022
Jun-2019Dynamics of hybrid junctions of Majorana wiresBondyopadhaya, Nilanjan; Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review B, 2019, Vol.99, p214514
Mar-2017Effect of long-range hopping and interactions on entanglement dynamics and many-body localizationSingh, Rajeev; Moessner, Roderich; Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review B, 2017, Vol.95, 094205
11-May-2007Electron transport in a one dimensional conductor with inelastic scattering by self-consistent reservoirsRoy, Dibyendu; Dhar, AbhishekPhysical Review B, 2007, Vol.75, p195110
2008Electron transport in an open mesoscopic metallic ringRoy, DibyenduJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, Vol.20, 025206
30-Jan-2023A Gauge-Invariant Geometric Phase for Electrons in a One-Dimensional Periodic LatticeVyas, Vivek M.; Roy, DibyenduApplied Mathematics, 2023, Vol.14,p82
May-2010Heat conduction and phonon localization in disordered harmonic crystalsKundu, Anupam; Chaudhuri, A.; Roy, Dibyendu; Dhar, Abhishek; Lebowitz, J.L.; Spohn, HerbertEurophysics Letters, 2010, Vol. 90, p40001
24-Feb-2010Heat transport and phonon localization in mass-disordered harmonic crystalsChaudhuri, Abhishek; Kundu, Anupam; Roy, Dibyendu; Dhar, Abhishek; Lebowitz, J.L.; Spohn, HerbertPhysical Review B, 2010, Vol.81, p064301
Nov-2006Heat transport in harmonic latticesDhar, Abhishek; Roy, DibyenduJournal of Statistical Physics, 2006, Vol.125, p801-820
2008Heat transport in ordered harmonic latticesRoy, Dibyendu; Dhar, AbhishekJournal of Statistical Physics, 2008, Vol.131, p535-541