Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
19-Dec-2019 | Constraining warm dark matter power spectrum using the cross-correlation of HI 21 cm signal and the Lyman- α forest | Sarkar, Anjan Kumar; Pal, Ashis Kumar; Sarkar, Tapomoy Guha | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019, Article.058, p17 |
20-Jan-2023 | Intensity mapping of post-reionization 21-cm signal and its cross-correlations as a probe of f(R) gravity | Dash, Chandrachud B. V.; Sarkar, Tapomoy Guha; Sarkar, Anjan Kumar | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2023, Vol.44, ArticleNo.5 |
May-2020 | Predictions for measuring the 21-cm multifrequency angular power spectrum using SKA-Low | Mondal, Rajesh; Shaw, Abinash Kumar; Sarkar, Anjan Kumar; +5 Co-Authors | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, Vol.494, p4043–4056 |
20-Jan-2023 | Probing early Universe through redshifted 21-cm signal: Modeling and observational challenges | Shaw, Abinash Kumar; Chakraborty, Arnab; Kamran, Mohd; Ghara, Raghunath; Choudhuri, Samir; Ali, Sk. Saiyad; Pal, Srijita; Ghosh, Abhik; Kumar, Jais; Dutta, Prasun; Sarkar, Anjan Kumar | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2023, Vol.44, p4 |
Oct-2021 | Using the redshift evolution of the Lyman-alpha effective opacity as a probe of dark matter models | Sarkar, Anjan Kumar; Pandey, Kanhaiya L.; Sethi, S.K. | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021, Issue 10, 077 |