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Title: Isospectrality in chaotic billiards
Authors: Dhar, Abhishek
Rao, Madhusudhana D.
Udaya Shankar, N.
Sridhar, S.
Issue Date: 18-Aug-2003
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review E, 2003, Vol.68, 026208
Abstract: We consider a modification of isospectral cavities whereby the classical dynamics changes from pseudointegrable to chaotic. We construct an example where we can prove that isospectrality is retained. We then demonstrate this explicitly in microwave resonators.
ISSN: 1539-3755
1550-2376 (online)
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Copyright: (2003) by the American Physical Society
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)
Research Papers (TP)

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