C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.1. Scattering of Light : [102] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 102
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1928A new class of spectra due to secondary radiation. Part I.Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, Vol.2, p399-419
1927Magnetic double refraction in liquids, Part I: Benzene and its derivativesRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.113, p511-519
1925The scattering of light by liquid boundaries and its relation to surface tension. Part IIIRaman, C.V.; Ramdas, L.A.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1925, Vol.109, p272-279
1921On the transmission colours of sulphur suspensionsRaman, C.V.; Ray, BidhubhusanProceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1921, Vol.100, p102-109
Oct-1927The scattering of light in amorphous solidsRaman, C.V.Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1927, Vol.15, p185-189
Apr-1926The optical study of percussion figuresRaman, C.V.Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1926, Vol.12, p387-390
1928A classical derivation of the Compton effectRaman, C.V.Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, Vol.3, p357-369
1929The relation between colour and molecular structure in organic compoundsRaman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S.Indian Journal of Physics, 1929, Vol.34, p57-78
1931Experimental proof of the spin of the photonRaman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S.Indian Journal of Physics, 1931, Vol.6, p353-366
1941New methods in the study of light scattering - Part I. Basic ideasRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p228-234
Dec-1918The photographic study of impact at minimal velocitiesRaman, C.V.Physical Review, 1918, Vol.12, p442-447
Apr-1920On Some Applications of Hertz's Theory of ImpactRaman, C.V.Physical Review, 1920, Vol.15, p277-284
1928A theory of the birefringence induced by flow in liquidsRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Philosophical Magazine, 1928, Vol.55, p769-783
1927Electric double refraction in relation to polarity and optical anisotropy of molecules - Part I: Gases and vapoursRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p713-723
1923On the molecular scattering and extinction of light in liquids and the determination of the Avogadro constantRaman, C.V.; Sheshagiri Rao, K.Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.45, p625-640
1929A theory of light-scattering in liquidsRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Philosophical Magazine, 1929, Vol.55, p498-512
1923The molecular scattering of light in liquid mixturesRaman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R.Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.45, p213-224
1929The theory of light-scattering in liquidsRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1929, Vol.57, p160-161
1927The molecular scattering of light in binary liquid mixturesRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.54, p447-448
1927Electric double refraction in relation to polarity and optical anisotropy of molecules - Part II : LiquidsRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p724-735
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 102