C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.3. Optics : [67] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1949The Christiansen experiment with spherical particlesRaman, C.V.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1949, Vol.30, p211-215
1939Haidinger's Rings in soap bubblesRaman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1939, Vol.10, p317-323
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part III: Doppler effect and coherence phenomena.Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p75-84
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part V: General considerations (oblique incidence and amplitude changes).Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p459-465
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part IV.Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p119-125
1922On the convection of light (Fizeau effect) in moving gasesRaman, C.V.; Sethi, Nihal KaranPhilosophical Magazine, 1922, Vol.43, p447-455
1921On Quetelet's rings and other allied phenomenaRaman, C.V.; Datta, Goverdhan LalPhilosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.42, p826-840
1921On the colours of mixed plates - Part IIIRaman, C.V.; Sheshagiri Rao, K.Philosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.42, p679-695
1921Colours of mixed plates, Part II.Raman, C.V.; Banerji, BhabonathPhilosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.41, p860-871
1921Colours of mixed plates, Part I.Raman, C.V.; Banerji, BhabonathPhilosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.41, p338-347
1919The scattering of light in the refractive media of the eyeRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1919, Vol.38, p568-572
1911Photometric measurement of the obliquity factor of diffractionRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1911, Vol.21, p618-626
1921A method of improving visibility of distant objectsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p242
1921The radiant spectrumRaman, C.V.Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p12
1921Conical refraction in biaxial crystalsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1921, Vol.107, p747
1921The colours of breathed-on platesRaman, C.V.Nature, 1921, Vol.107, p714
1918The colours of the striae in micaRaman, C.V.; Ghosh, P.N.Nature, 1918, Vol.102, p205
1908Secondary waves of lightRaman, C.V.Nature, 1908, Vol.78, p55-56
1907Newton's rings in polarized lightRaman, C.V.Nature, 1907, Vol.76, p637
1964The scintillation of the starsRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1964, Vol.33, p355-360
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 67