C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.3. Optics : [67] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1959The principle of Huyghens and the diffraction of lightRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1959, Vol.28, p267-270
1942The phenomena of conical refractionRaman, C.V.Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p44-46
1959The optics of miragesRaman, C.V.; Pancharatnam, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1959, Vol.49, p251-261
1959Christiaan Huyghens and the wave theory of lightRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1959, Vol.49, p185-192
1955The Christiansen experiment with birefringent powdersRaman, C.V.; Bhat, M.R.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p61-66
1955A generalized theory of the Christiansen experimentRaman, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p55-60
1955The theory of the propagation of light in polycrystalline mediaRaman, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p37-44
1954The structure and optical behaviour of some natural and synthetic fibresRaman, C.V.; Bhat, M.R.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p109-116
1949Diffraction of light by transparent spheres and spheroids: The Fresnel patternsRaman, C.V.; Ramaseshan, S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1949, Vol.30, p277-283
1949The theory of the Christiansen experimentRaman, C.V.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1949, Vol.29, p381-390
1941Conical refraction in naphthalene crystalsRaman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.; Nedungadi, T.M.K.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p221-227
1939On the wave-like character of periodic precipitatesRaman, C.V.; Subbaramaiah, K.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1939, Vol.9, p455-466
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part IRaman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.2, p406-412
1936The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part IIRaman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.2, p413-420
1909Historical note on the discovery of the ultra-microscopic methodRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1909, Vol.17, p495
1909The experimental study of Huygens's secondary wavesRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1909, Vol.17, p204-216
1941Conical refraction in naphthalene crystalsRaman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.; Nedungadi, T.M.K.Nature, 1941, Vol.147, p268
1938Interference patterns with Liesegang ringsRaman, C.V.; Subbaramaiah, K.Nature, 1938, Vol.142, p355
1936Diffraction of light by ultrasonic wavesRaman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S.Nature, 1936, Vol.138, p616
1925The effect of dispersion on the interference figures of crystalsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1925, Vol.113, p127
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 67