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Title: Evidence for evolving elongated pulsar beams
Authors: Narayan, R.
Vivekanand, M.
Keywords: Linear polarization
Magnetic poles
Polarization characteristics
Stellar evolution
Milky way galaxy
Periodic variations
Polar caps
Stellar models
Issue Date: Jun-1983
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Citation: Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1983, Vol.122, p45-53.
Abstract: The total change in the position angle of the linear polarization in 16 pulsars is analyzed (assuming the Radhakrishnan-Cooke (1969) magnetic pole model of pulsar radiation), on the basis of Backer and Rankin's (1980) observational data. The pulsar beams are on the average highly elongated, with the ratio R of the North-South to East-West dimensions being 3.0 + or - 0.4. The R estimate further increases if one allows for reasonable selection effects. The evolution of R with pulsar period P naturally accounts for the P dependence of interpulse occurrence. The evolution of the pulsar beaming fraction f with P renders more certain the recent observation of a deficit of short P pulsars in the Galaxy. Current pulsar electrodynamics and radio beam theories may have to be revised to account for the present results.
ISSN: 0004-6361
Alternative Location:
Copyright: (1983) by the European Southern Observatory. Scanned images provided by the NASA ADS.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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