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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1970Galaxy of south Indian scientists : Sir C.V. Raman's tribute; address at Annamalai university--
12-Jan-1937Advances in astronomical research: Sir C.V. Raman's review at Bangalore-The Madras Mail, 1937
27-Feb-1940Learn the art of living: Sir C.V. Raman's advice to students-The Hindu, 27th February 1940
3-Jan-1929Indian Science Congress : Opening day - Lord Goschen's address--
4-Feb-1940The mystery of cosmic rays: Prof. Millikan on the investigationsN.N.P.The Hindu, 4th February 1940
7-Jan-1940Problems of cosmic energy: Sir C.V. Raman and the mighty atom - Indian Science Congress lecture-The Mail, 7th January, 1940
7-Jan-1940Key to the universe: The discovery of Cyclotron - Sir C.V. Raman's tribute to Prof. Lawrence-The Hindu, 7th January 1940
1929Science and the layman: the Governor's admonition - Dr. Raman's great discovery, the atom and light--
5-Jan-1940Abuse of knowledge and learning: Prof. Sahni on limitations of science - Mayor's party to science congress delegates-The Indian Express, 1940
17-Dec-1935Women and social service--
7-Jul-1936Hindi convocation in Channarayapatna: Lady Raman's address--
20-Dec-1937All-India Swadeshi exhibition: Sir C.V. Raman's opening address - Production of real wealth - Duty of people's Government-The Hindu, 1937
20-Dec-1937War gets more lively--
1930Sir C.V. Raman at Stockholm--
1933Chemistry as friend of mankind: Dr. Forster's lecture--
1931India's industrial progress: Sir C.V. Raman's views - Nobel laurerate entertained--
1970Sir C V. Raman entertained: his success has raised India in the esteem of the world--
15-Jul-1938Sir C.V. Raman, Nobel laureate, on his holiday tour: Two masterpieces of modern sciece - A Nobel laureate who turned pacifistRaman, C.V.The Mysore Times, 15th July, 1938
20-Dec-1938Separation of Burma carried out by might against all forces tending towards closer unity - A Geologist's view: Indian Science Academy discourse--
16-Jul-1938The Krishnan effectRaman, C.V.The Mysore Times, 15th July 1938
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 790