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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1970Science and Industry: Sir C.V. Raman 's lecture at Bangalore - scientists' part in national reconstruction--
19-Dec-1938Application of science to benefit Indian villager: "Wrong to compete with west in producing luxuries" - Sir C.V. Raman. Premier's plea for sufficient safeguards against misuse of science-The Indian Express, 1938
22-Dec-1938Planning of power production in India: Need for co-ordinated planning - Major Howard's address-The Indian Express, 22nd December, 1938
2-Dec-1931Sir C.V. Raman's caution and counsel-The Leader, 2nd December, 1931
21-Dec-1938Not for luxuries but for villagers' benefit: Sir C. V. Raman on right application of science - Research: appeal; to congress Governments - Madras premier on misuse of scientific knowledge-The Madras Mail, 21st December 1938
5-Aug-1938Path of science should be made easy: To benefit humanity, says Sir C.V. Raman - Danger to progress if nothing but practical results demanded - Devotion to knowledge for its own sake essential to development--
24-Dec-1938Fundamental nature of liquid: Similar to that of glass - Sir C.V. Raman on new theory-The Indian Express, 24th December 1936
22-Dec-1938Indian Academy of Sciences: Premier's tribute - Dr. Sahni's appeal for encouragement--
3-Jan-1938Research in India: Comparision with Britain - Late Lord Rutherford's analysis.-The Hindu, 3rd January, 1938
1970The spirit of science: Dr. T.S. Wheeler's address--
23-Dec-1938The nature of liquids: Sir C.V. Raman's new discoveries-The Mail, 23rd December 1938
24-Dec-1938Academy of sciences: Madras session concludes-Indian Academy of Sciences Madras Session, 1938
31-May-1928Prof. Raman's remarkable discovery - new kind of radiation of light-The Basumati, 31st May, 1928
30-Aug-1938The new physics: Revolutionary advances - Sir C.V. Raman's radio talk--
1929King's birthday honours: Calcutta's three new knights and two C.I.E's. Kabul awards.--
1970Teachers - Builders of the nation--
20-Dec-1938Science and society-The Hindu, 20th December, 1938
1970The spin of lightRaman, C.V.-
21-Dec-1938Structure of the molecule: Science Academy discussion--
22-Dec-1938Work of Indian academy of sciences: Tribute paid at Madras dinner--
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 790